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Inner Alignment 

Life can be free of anxiety, anger, and depression AND full of joy, peace, balance, and love.

The inner Alignment program will help you make tremendous shifts in all layers of the body (physical, mental, emotional, energetic, awareness, and bliss body) so you can reconnect to your Soul and manifest your heart's desires.



What is Inner Alignment?

What if there was a way to be so connected to ourselves, and in such alignment with the truth of who we are, that we were able to feel bliss and joy every day?


Inner Alignment is a systematized approach to healing unlike any other modality in the world that combines Ayurveda, Yoga, neuroscience, body-based trauma release, and Soul Retrieval to make lasting changes on the physical, mental, energetic, emotional, and spiritual layers of the body. Learn more about Kim Beekman's work here.


I am so excited to bring Kim’s powerful Inner Alignment work to individuals and the community through rachel’s peace; As we heal the individual, we heal the collective!

Is this for me?

  • Have you been on a healing journey for quite some time trying different practices like talk therapy, but still haven't found a long-lasting approach that brings you into alignment?

  • Are you being pulled in many directions, feeling like you are working so hard but getting very little done?

  • Have you always put others first, and take little time to care for yourself?

  • Are you looking for a safe space based in love to support you as you go deep within?

  • Are you looking for a comprehensive program that will rewire the brain and nervous system and ensure long-lasting results once and for all?

Buddha Statue
Balancing Rocks

Are you ready to heal the past, and set a new direction for your future?

I will help you...

  • Learn about your energetic imbalances (chakras and ayurvedic doshas) and give you tools to gain balance.

  • Establish your intentions through the law of attraction to manifest your heart's desires.

  • Unpack the emotions, and fear-based thoughts living in your body (trauma packets) through a body-based fear-release process to help you shift out of negative thoughts and emotions.

  • Rewire the brain and nervous system towards a more expansive version of yourself with higher thoughts, feelings, and vibrations.

  • Build resiliency in the nervous system, so you have an awareness when the body is ready to react from a place of fear or stress.

  • Find accelerated healing and growth and sustain higher vibrations through your individualized self-care plan.

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