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 DEI Focused Inner Alignment Work

Are you a DEI Practitioner looking for new methods to engage with your community?

Do you identify as BIPOC and seek individual and collective healing from historical,

intergenerational, racialized trauma?

Are you in need of a toolkit to help bring joy, peace, love, equity, inclusion, and healing to an entire community while centering the needs of historically marginalized folks?

With Inner Alignment we

FACE, FEEL, PROCESS, and HEAL individual and collective trauma stored on all six layers of the body once and for all!

Happy Portrait

1. Inner Healing

With an Inner Alignment approach to healing individual, and generational trauma, you will...

  • Address what is not presently working in life, and use an embodied approach of working through this trauma on all six layers of the body

  • Learn about the yogic and Ayurvedic energetic elementals that make us multilayered beings and go beyond the traditional "seen and unseen identities" typically discussed in DEI conversations.

  • Understand the habits of the subconscious, conscious, and superconscious mind and learn tools for rewiring and expanding your views.

  • Recognize your "go to" fear response/s and bring awareness to the vulnerabilities and triggers that lead you to a space of reactivity.

  • Feel and process old fear vibrations living in your body (trauma packets) that impact how you see yourself, how you experience yourself, and how you move through life.

  • Learn about your emotional pain bodies, understand your shadow qualities, and gain self-acceptance.

  • Access spiritual practices to help you take back your power, heal from historical, intergenerational, and personal trauma, and release karma for yourself and your lineage.

  • Settle the body and nervous system through breathwork, yoga, mantra, meditation, and yoga.

  • Raise your personal heart coherence to a more optimal state so you can self-regulate emotions and find more balance and joy.

  • Set a vision and work towards its manifestation using Law of Attraction.


2. Healing the Collective

Once we have healed from individual trauma stored in the body, we can get in sync with others through...

  • Shared conversations about our unique elemental energetics, constitutions, and multi-layered bodies that will bring light to interpersonal dynamics and help us find more understanding and acceptance of others.

  • HeartMath heart resonance tools based in neuroscience that help bring awareness to our interconnectivity with all living things.

  • Group discussions about pain bodies and shadow qualities to gain new perspectives and awareness about how they show up in our relationships. 

  • Body centered activities and somatic therapy techniques to feel, process, and clear the collective trauma shared within a community.

  • Forgiveness prayers, meditations, and mantra to cleanse and release the karma and negative vibrations stored in the ancestral lineage, or community.

  • Practice of shared heart-based intentions to move the community towards its vision.

All Hands In
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